Program Brochure (English) Download
When: Monday 9-Friday 20, July 2018 | 时间: 2018年7月9日(周一)至7月20日(周五)
Where: Politecnico di Milano, piazza Leonardo da Vinci, Milan (ITALY) | 课程地点:米兰理工大学,达芬奇广场,米兰(意大利)
The Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy | 米兰理工大学, 意大利
Founded in 1863, the Polytechnic University of Milan ( Politecnico di Milano) is the largest technical university in Italy. It is ranked the best for Engineering, Architecture and Design among the top universities in Italy. | 米兰理工大学成立于1863年,是意大利最大的工程技术大学。 在意大利的一流大学中,米兰理工在工程,建筑和设计领域名列最佳。 根据2018QS世界大学排名,它是全球排名第17位的工程技术大学,其中设计排名第5,建筑学第9,土木和结构工程第9。 著名校友包括Renzo Piano,Aldo Rossi等。
The International Workplace Studies Program (IWSP), Cornell University | 康奈尔国际办公空间研究中心, 美国
The International Workplace Studies Program(IWSP) at Cornell is the most prestigious research institute in the US for workplace strategy research and corporate real estate studies. Founded in 1865, Cornell is one of the prestigious Ivy League Universities in the U.S. | 康奈尔国际办公空间研究中心是美国最早和最富盛名的高校科研机构,主要从事办公空间策略和商务房地产创新研究。成立于1865年,康奈尔大学是美国著名的常春藤联盟大学之一。
Activities | 活动安排
- 1st week: Mon 9 – Fri 13 > theory & practice; Weekend: Sat 14 – Sun 15 > learning trip to Venice at the Biennale | 第一周: 7月9日(周一)至 7月13日(周五),理论与实践课; 7月14日(周六)至 7月15日(周日),威尼斯双年展学习之旅
- 2nd week: Mon 16 – Fri 20 > theory and practice | 第二周: 7月16日(周一)至 7月20日(周五), 理论与实践课
Theoretical lesson | 理论课程主题
- The history of the workplace in the 20th century | 20世纪工作场所的发展历史
- Organizational changes | 组织更新
- The role of Corporate Real Estate Management | 企业不动产管理的角色
- What workplaces look like nowadays: working everywhere | 当今工作场所内涵:无处不在的办公空间
- Ergonomics in the workplace | 工作场所中的人机工程学
- Facilities management: an evolving discipline | 设备管理:一个正在发展的学科
- Workplace strategies: how to think strategically | 工作场所策略:如何进行战略性的思考
- The role of an architect in the project of a workplace | 工作场所项目中建筑师的作用
- The impact of the workplace at the urban scale | 工作场所对城市发展的影响
- Case studies: stories of change management | 案例学习:管理的改变
Lectures | 讲座安排
- Rianne Appel-Meulenbroek (Edinhoven University of Technology, Department of Architecture, Building and Planning, Netherland. | 建筑与城市规划学院,荷兰埃因霍分理工大学) Assistant Professor in corporate real estate (CRE) and workplace, she focuses on 2 lines of research: 1) how CRE should be managed strategically and 2) how location, building and workspace design add value. | 研究方向为企业地产与工作场所,她致力于研究1)如何战略性地管理企业不动产以及2)如何使场地,建筑,以及工作场所更具意义。
- Tamas Berky (Garapena Ltd., Hungary | 客户代表, 匈牙利Garapena 公司) His competences regard Human Resources Management, Training and Quality Management, and Facility Management. He works for offering professional support in international development (Europe-Aid) project. | 从事人力资源管理、培训质量管理、以及设备管理,致力于为国际发展项目(Europe-Aid)提供专业服务支持。
- Andrea Ciaramella (Politecnico di Milano, Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering, Italy | 建筑环境与建设工程学院,意大利米兰理工大学) Associate Professor in Architectural Technology, he undertakes research in Asset, Property, Facility, and Building management, with particular attention to building performances and enhancement. | 研究方向为建筑技术,研究涉及资产,物业,设施和楼宇管理领域,并着重于研究建筑的性能表现与改善。
- Ying Hua (Cornell University, Department of Design and Environment Analysis, United States | 设计与环境分析学院,美国康奈尔大学) Associate Professor at the College of Human Ecology, she has been conducting research on post-occupancy evaluation (POE); interaction between occupants, building systems, and building performance; and impact of workplace on behavioral and organizational outcomes. | 研究领域为建筑空间使用后评价(POE)、使用者互动、建筑系统与建筑性能、以及工作场所对行为、组织的影响。
- Ilaria Mariotti ( Politecnico di Milano, Department of Architecture and Urban Studies, Italy | 建筑与城市规划学院,意大利米兰理工大学) Associate Professor of Applied Economics, her current research interests range from logistics, econometric analysis, regional economics, economic geography, and the effects of the new spaces for working on the economic and urban context. | 应用经济学专家,目前的研究兴趣包含物流、计量经济分析、地区经济学、经济地理学、以及新型工作空间对城市经济与生态的影响。
- Cristina Rossi-Lamastra (Politecnico di Milano, Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, Italy | 管理经济与产业工程学院,意大利米兰理工大学) Full professor in Business and Management Engineering, her research interests regard organizational studies and collaborative spaces as a new challenge for firms, accelerators, incubators, and research labs. | 从事商业与管理工程方向,她的研究内容涉及企业组织、企业的新型挑战–合作空间、加速器、孵化器、以及研究室等。
- Chiara Tagliaro ( Politecnico di Milano, Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering, Italy | 建筑环境与建设工程学院,意大利米兰理工大学) PhD Student, her doctoral thesis focuses on Key Performance Indicators for designing, managing, and using the next-generation workspaces. | 博士论文主题为《下一代工作场所的设计、管理、与使用性能指标》。
- Maria Pilar Vettori ( Politecnico di Milano, Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering, Italy | 建筑环境与建设工程学院,意大利米兰理工大学) Full time researcher in the area of Architetural Technolgy, she undertakes teaching, and research activities in urban planing and architectural design, along with the development of projects of corporate office buildings. | 研究方向为建筑技术,从事城市规划与建筑设计以及办公空间等领域的教学与研究工作。
Field exploration | 现场考察
- Corporate workplace | 大型公司的工作空间
- Co-working space | 合作工作空间
- Third space as a workplace | 作为工作场所的第三空间
Sites & Visitings | 项目实地考察
A2A Headquarters The building hosts the headquarters of the major utility company in Milan. The company aims at refurbishing one of their floors where to implement a new workplace model. SSWM participants will develop their project for this company. | A2A公司的总部位于意大利米兰。A2A公司致力于在这里整修他们的房屋楼层,用以置入新型工作空间模型。SSWM的参与者可以在这里开展他们的课题项目。
Microsoft House | 微软大楼 (建筑师:Herzog & De Meuron and DEGW) This brand-new building is the headquarters of Microsoft Italy. It houses flexible workstations for the employees. A variety of collaborative spaces welcome visitors and external workers. | 这栋全新的建筑是由Herzog & De Meuron与DEGW设计的意大利微软公司总部大楼。它具有灵活的员工工作站,拥有大量针对外来游客与员工体验的合作工作空间。
Talent Garden Calabiana | 天才花园 哥伦比亚 Talent Garden is the most successful co-working network in Europe. The company offers innovative workspaces and services to digital entrepreneurs and creative talents. Its Calabiana site hosts also event spaces and a swimming pool. | 天才花园是欧洲最成功的联合办公网络。该公司为数码企业以及创造型人才提供创新性的工作空间与服务它位于Calabiana的场所拥有活动空间和游泳池。
Excelsior Hotel Gallia | Gallia豪华酒店 Gallia is a historical luxury hotel. Thanks to its strategic location next to Milan Central Station, it is a work and leisure location for many business men traveling back and forth. Its guests are provided with meeting rooms and workspaces. | Gallia是一家历史悠久的豪华酒店。紧靠米兰中心站的战略性地址使得Gallia成为商务人士出行时选择的工作与休闲场所。它可以为顾客提供会议室以及工作空间。
Gucci Hub | 古驰中心 (建筑师: Piuarch) Ex-aeronautical factory, today Gucci Hub houses the brand’s headquarters including a showroom, spaces for couture shows, graphical activities and photo studios. | 作为古驰品牌的总部大楼,古驰体验中心拥有一个展厅、大量的时装表演场地、以及绘画与摄影工作室。
Fondazione Prada + Osservatorio | 普拉达基金会与瞭望台 (建筑师:OMA) Both the projects for Fondazione Prada and Osservatorio embrace new architecture with the regeneration of historical sites. The two locations host permanent and temporary exhibitions. | 普拉达基金会与瞭望台都是历史建筑的更新的项目。这两个场所都有永久的和临时的展览空间。
City Life Shopping District | 城市生活购物中心(建筑师:Zaha Hadid Architects) City Life Shopping Districts integrates a new public park with indoor and outdoor piazzas, food hall, restaurants, cafes, shops and cinema as well as facilities for health and wellbeing. | 城市生活购物中心是集合了公共花园、室内外广场、美食区、餐厅、咖啡厅、商城、影院以及医疗安全设施为一体的公共空间。
Bosco Verticale + Giardino D’inverno | 垂直深林与冬季花园 (建筑师:Stefano Boeri) Vertical forest is a pair of award-winning residential towers that host 90 trees and over 2,000 plants. Beside it a new luxury housing estate is under construction with greenhouses and SPA. | 垂直深林是两栋具有90棵树以及超过2000株植物的高级住宅。在它旁边,正在建设一个新的带有花园与SPA的豪华住宅。
Venice Biennale-Architecture Exhibition | 威尼斯建筑双年展 The 16th International Architecture Exhibition that will take place from May 26th to November 25th 2018 in the Giardini and the Arsenal, and around other venues in Venice. | 第16届国际建筑双年展将在2018年5月26日到2018年11月25日在威尼斯举行。
Practical exercise | 实践练习
- Evaluation of localization in the city context | 城市背景下的本土化评价
- SWOT analysis of the existing space | 现有空间的SWOT分析
- Creation of concept and the related communication strategies | 概念创新以及相应的沟通策略
- Reconfiguration of the spatial layout | 空间布局的重构
- Organization of proximities and walking paths in the space | 邻近空间与行走通道的组织
- Program of the move | 移动方案
- Plan of the preparatory change management strategy | 筹备可变的管理策略的计划
Assessment | 学习成果
- For class completion, participants need to present in class during the lectures, attend the visits, and participate the workshops. At the end of the course the best project will be judged by a jury composed of professors from the Pilitecnico di Milano, from Cornell, and client representatives. Program certificates will be issued after the students have completed all class sessions. | 为了完成课程学习,参加人员需要在课程中进行报告展示,访问学习,以及小组工作。由米兰理工大学与康奈尔大学的教授以及客户代表们组成的评委团会在课程结束时评选出最佳的课程项目。课程结束后将颁发学习证书。
Costs | 费用预算
- Students from Politecnico di Milano: €200 | 米兰理工大学学生:200欧元
- Students from other universities: €400 | 其它大学学生:400欧元
- PhD students, post-docs and researchers: €550 | 博士研究生,博士后研究员,研究员:550欧元
- Practitioners: €700 (-15% discount for Milan Order of Architects) | 从业人员:700欧元(米兰建筑师可优惠15%)
- Trip to Venice is included in the fee. Accommodation in Milan, and travel expenses to and from Milan are not included | 上述费用包含了前往威尼斯的花费,不包含来往米兰的路费以及在米兰的住宿费。
- 为参加暑期课程的同学提供米兰理工附近的方便的住宿预订,协议价格如下:
- New Generation Hostel Urban Città Studi Shared room w en suite – 21 €/night (double room) to 19 €/night (quadruple room)
- Camplus College Lambrate Single room w en suite – 48 €/night
- Too Cute – 2b str8 Single room w en suite – 70 €/night
Application | 申请方式:
- Application by Friday, June 1st, 2018 | 申请截日期: 2018年6月1日(周五)
- Communication of acceptance by Monday, June 4th, 2018 | 申请结果公布截至 2018年6月4日(周一)
- Registration by Sunday, June 10th, 2018 | 注册截至 2018年6月10日(周日)
- Applicants will be selected based on their: Short CV (list only the experiences that are coherent with the topic of the course); Age (priority is given to young applicants) | 项目将根据申请人员的个人简历(只需列出与课程主题相关的经历)以及年龄(优先考虑年轻的申请者)来筛选参与人员。
- Applications will be received by email at | 申请人员请将邮件发送至邮箱
- Email object: Application on SSWM2018 | 邮件主题请命名为:Application on SSWM2018
- Email attachment: “CV Surname”. | 邮件附件请命名为:CV Surname